Sunday, April 14, 2013

More Inventory at Shabby Lane Antiques

New and exciting merchandise just in time for our Next Sales Event

Blooming Flowers

I have never considered myself a gardener, but I love flowers.  I love flowers as much as beautiful floral china teacups.  I love flowers as much as I love sterling silver jewelry or painted furniture or no iron shirts.  I find myself drawn towards anything with flowers on it these days.  I am drawn to the paintings of gardens and floral arrangements.  I look forward to first going into the grocery store just to see the bunches of flowers over in their little refrigerator ready for purchase.  I even just purchased a simple little hooked rug that is simply a yellow rose.

I don’t know why I am so attracted to flowers. Maybe it is their simplicity.  Maybe their simple magic of appearing out of a tiny little pod.  Hydrangeas especially fascinate me by the simple fact that the main flower is made up of many small little buds.

Since I have moved into a townhouse, I am limited on the amount of flowers that I can plant. I have a limited amount of space.  And a limited budget but I seem to always have flowers of some sort.  But when fall comes around and the first frost, the flowers are more or less gone until the spring.  But I have discovered something wonderful……

This year I have been exposed to bulbs…….and the wonderful act of forcing them.  I am now sitting here at my computer and looking at the 5 hyacinth bulbs that I am forcing to bloom in the coldest months of the year.  I am forcing them to bloom early.  I am forcing them to be a flower before nature intended them.

I am so excited.  It won’t be long before the flowers bloom and fill my home with a wonderful fragrance and color.  And as I sit here at my desk on the eve of a new year, I can only look forward to not only 5 blooms but also a new year that has come fast and furious.  Not forced or pushed though.  It is coming, as my 5 little blooms with new experiences to behold and wonderful things to fill my life.

I hope each of you will find a new year full of blooms.  Those things that make your life just a little better, a little sweeter, and a lot more joyful.